The Rebelion

We are The Rebelion

When was the last time you asked yourself what you truly wanted? Out of each day? Your career? Your life? At The Rebelion, we want to focus on how to live a happy life. Yes, realizing our dreams does require hard work. But by realigning our values and redefining our goals, we get to live fulfilling lives, on our terms.

Who we are, who you are

We are women, fed up with being fed the lie that working harder, longer and faster is how we attain success and lasting happiness. Our self-worth doesn’t depend on our productivity and the validation we receive from others. Instead we can build our own thing, our way.

We set up The Rebelion for rebels like you who are finished doing the things they’ve always done and ready to reclaim ownership of their time and goals. You have a unique feminine way of seeing the world, and that is your superpower.

Our Mission

We’re on a mission to support women in creating their sense of self-worth through a different lens; one that is defined by fulfillment and contentment as opposed to productivity. 

Let’s retool our definition of power, success and productivity to be reflective of our distinct goals. Let’s visualize goals that are more holistic, that consider every facet of our being. 

It is our vision at The Rebelion to create a community that has risen above the idea that self-worth is a formula governed by productivity and the validation of others. Our community, instead, considers the journey within to be the source of true validation, self-love and liberation.

hustle culture is toxic

We Believe . .

  • Work hard, play harder? No thanks, we’re worth more than a tired tagline.

  • You are not your productivity. You have much more to offer than task completion.

  • Just slow down! It’s not a challenge, it’s the very minimum we should give ourselves.

  • Forget competitive workplaces and looking for external validation.

  • How about hustling for happiness, freedom and self-care?

  • Being female is our superpower, it’s time to bring it into the way we do business.

  • Don’t just relax and reset, let’s make self-care a part of our everyday lives.

Our Story

It all begins with an idea. Step away from the everyday grind, nurture it, and it will grow. The Rebelion was launched to help high-achieving women unsubscribe to toxic hustle culture and embrace their authentic selves. Whether you want to launch a business or build a hobby into something more, we give you the tools to do it with balance.

Our first project is our 90-day guide, but we also welcome you to our community. Together we’re changing what a fulfilled life looks like.

Let’s F*ck Some Sh*t Up